The world today is experiencing great changes not seen in a century. Peace and development are still the themes of the times. At the same time, instability and uncertainty are more prominent. Human beings are facing many common challenges and are standing at a new crossroads. Peace not only means no war, but also by actively implementing the concept of sustainable development, we should address non-traditional peace challenges, including climate change, biodiversity protection, education equity, humanitarian, public health and so on, eliminate the threat of war and conflict from the root, and build a more positive and peaceful society.
南京和平论坛网是由联合国教科文组织、南京和平论坛组委会联动政府、企业、研究机构、媒体、 社会组织等共同发起的和平资讯、活动、教育内容的平台。平台将“聚焦青年、聚焦行动、聚焦解决方案”, 并作为中国与全球青年和平行动的活动窗口和价值连接器,促进青年发展与赋能,特别是“Z世代”的担当与作为。
No. 41, Beijing East Road, Xuanwu District, Nanjing
No. 41, Beijing East Road, Xuanwu District, Nanjing
Nanjing China